Maps guide us and help us navigate our way. They show us the world from a higher perspective. With this knowledge we can place ourselves, understand the environment we live in and we can relate one place to another.
Maps record the story of the heavens and the earth, and everything in between. They record the story of our time. By creating maps I am constantly exploring new terrain. Making connections between one place and another. Experiencing. Travelling. Crossing borders, over-coming obstacles. Learning how the land lies. Navigating the way forward. A map can help us to see ourselves. The complexities, the ambiguities and the defined spaces. Some areas are clear with delineated pathways, other areas are congested and difficult to access. Sometimes we demonstrate very defined borders, other times we are very open. All these textures and shades create the beauty of the whole. A map can show us where we are or where we would like to be.
May 2021
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