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The ultimate experience one can have is the internal connection to the light within, the connection to Source, to Divinity, to the Eternal. Only this is Absolute. Everything else is transient, susceptible to decay and death. The highest aspiration for the artist is to bring something of this inner experience into form. To portray the divine beauty.
This body of work, ‘Polishing The Mirror of The Heart,’ engages with this aspiration. On the prayer mat the remembrance of God is the polish for the heart, the diamond within. Through repetition of the Divine Name the heart becomes polished like a mirror, reflecting the light. Similarly, on the canvas a repetitive process of heat and pressure by the artist's hand polishes the surface. In a labour of love, the painting becomes reflective like a mirror. Light hits the surface, moving, shimmering, iridescent with colours from the environment. Through the play of light, during the day and night, the painting changes, constantly alive. There is a play of absence and presence, the Hidden and the Manifest. Who are we? Where do we come from? Questions that have been asked since time immemorial.
Consciously or not, we are constantly seeking to find ourselves. The outward journey is made through what we acquire and what we achieve. But that sense of self is constantly changing and our need to attain more ever increases. As we search we find countless expressions of ourselves. And we can remain on the surface of that sea to infinity. It is only by diving into the depths, into the darkness, that we can discover One Self. A timeless presence, an anchor in this ever changing world. A place where we all meet, where differences fall away and we unite in harmony. Maps guide us and help us navigate our way. They show us the world from a higher perspective. With this knowledge we can place ourselves, understand the environment we live in and we can relate one place to another.
Maps record the story of the heavens and the earth, and everything in between. They record the story of our time. By creating maps I am constantly exploring new terrain. Making connections between one place and another. Experiencing. Travelling. Crossing borders, over-coming obstacles. Learning how the land lies. Navigating the way forward. A map can help us to see ourselves. The complexities, the ambiguities and the defined spaces. Some areas are clear with delineated pathways, other areas are congested and difficult to access. Sometimes we demonstrate very defined borders, other times we are very open. All these textures and shades create the beauty of the whole. A map can show us where we are or where we would like to be. This body of work began with the theme of alignment. Understanding that who or what we align ourselves to determines the state of our well being. The alignment of our minds, bodies and spirits determine the connections we make and consequently the constellations we become part of.
Multi dimensional, multi-directional, we can move between constellations, create new constellations, or forge new pathways, with just a thought. The moment we move in the direction of our thought we either strengthen an existing pathway or create a new pathway in the universe. The possibilities are endless. The drawings illustrate a universe of moving points, forming pathways that stop, pass each other, cross or meet. There is a constant flux, new layers changing the layers beneath, layers disappearing, new pathways taking shape. Wherever the eye leads a new pathway can be formed and new connections made. It is an infinite universe, with infinite possibilities. The creative process of building each map is infinite. No drawing is final, only capturing a moment in time. With no finality, the drawings reflect a universe in a state of constant flux and evolution. ![]() If there is a viewpoint that I am called to explore, time and time again, it is ‘The Heart of the Matter.’ As a perspective it allows one to go beyond the literal view of the world, to see its symbolic nature. To find the inner truth behind the veils of literal perception. In practical terms, ‘The Heart of the Matter,' is an exploration of the materials I work with. Understanding their qualities and nature. Philosophically, ‘The Heart of the Matter,' is an exploration of everything. Who are we, where do we come from? What is our purpose? Why are we here? What is our weakness, what is our strength? Where do we meet, where do we separate? A common symbol found in my work is the cross. The heart of the matter is known as ‘the crux,' a latin word meaning ‘the cross.’ The crux is the decisive or most important point. It is where two opposing forces cross and meet, providing a completely new and unique perspective. Centred on the heart of the matter we can explore our relationship to ourselves and the world around us. |
May 2021
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